Top 10 Tips to help you prepare for a Spray Tan
Achieving a beautiful sunless tan without mistakes is easy when your skin is prepared correctly for the treatment. Your spray tanning appointment is super quick and can be done from start to finish in as little as ten minutes. This allows you the freedom to prep your skin to suit your schedule.
Preparations can be done in advance to smooth out the skin to give the best base for your spray tan. Prep will help it last beyond its lifespan and fade with a natural result.
To help you ahead of your appointment, here’s the definitive run-down of the top ten preparation hacks recommended by the Sienna X spray tanning professionals.
1. Have a patch test
Are you a first-time tanner? A patch test is always recommended to ensure the formula is suitable for your skin.
Your therapist will recommend this is done at least 24-48 hours ahead of your appointment. However, if they don’t, please don’t be afraid to ask for one!
2. Buff away dry skin
Say goodbye to your any dead skin with your favourite gentle natural exfoliator. Our super handy Prepare Sachets are fantastic for this! Simply buff your skin all over, concentrating on some of your slightly drier areas.
Exfoliation helps to reveal a fresh new layer of smooth skin, helping your tan to last much longer. If possible, undergo this process at least 24 hours before your treatment to allow the skin’s pores to close fully. This prevents tan from building up in any unclosed pores.
3. Wax or shave ahead of your treatment.
Just like buffing away dry skin, be sure to factor in some time to wax or shave any unwanted hairs at least 48 hours before your treatment. This way, your pores have plenty of time to close so that any solution doesn’t cling and create unwanted dark patches.
4. Moisturise generously the day before
To reduce dry areas, such as on your elbows, knees and ankles, take some time to moisturise. For best results, we recommend doing so overnight – this will help to provide the perfect tanning base for your solution.
5. Rinse off any products.
Ahead of your treatment, be sure to say goodbye to any products such as deodorant, perfume, oils, moisturisers and makeup before attending your spray tanning appointment.
This way, the solution won’t cling to them and leave you with unsightly white patches. Products such as these actually tend to act like a barrier and won’t allow your beautiful tan to take effect.
6. Opt for dark, loose cotton and jersey fabrics
We all know the frustration of staining your favourite clothes, especially with things that can be slightly harder to remove! To save your worry, we recommend that you opt for dark and loose clothing made from cotton or jersey fabrics.
This way, your clothes won’t cling to your freshly applied spray tan as it develops and leave you with unsightly patches or uneven tan. Especially as some of the guide colour can be easily removed by tighter-fitting options.
With this in mind, also opt for underwear/bikinis that you don’t mind getting any solution on that are made of a similar fabric. This way, you can opt for these each time without any worry of trying to find more suitable options.
7. Take some hair ties with you.
If your hair is a mid to long length, be sure to take some hair ties with you to your appointment to tie it up and out of the way. This way, you’re guaranteed a complete and professional finish, as well as not having to spend the evening washing solution out of your hair.
8. Apply nail varnish to your fingernails and toes
Just like with your clothing, spray tan solution can also stain your nails, leaving an unfinished and unprofessional look to your treatment.
Be sure to coat your nails, both hands and feet with some nail varnish – even a clear coat will do! By doing so will help to protect your nails from any discolouration and create a naturally sunkissed result that your friends will be envious of!
9. If you have to run any errands after your spray tan, don’t worry!
We’re all busy bees, so we totally understand that you’ll have a few things to do on your list once you’ve had your treatment.
To help you feel a little more yourself, you can take deodorant to apply afterwards once your solution has dried and begun to develop. We promise that you won’t go the whole day feeling like you’re only smelling of solution (even though the Sienna X range smells pretty good if we do say so ourselves!)
10. Prolong your colour with your favourite self-tan
Now that your desired colour has developed, you’ve showered and moisturised; you should have a beautiful and flawless glow! This colour will naturally begin to fade around the 5th day as your top layer of skin begins to shed – but never fear!
You can prolong your tan in between treatments with your favourite self-tan product! If this is your first time doing so, we’d recommend the Gradual Untinted Self Tan Lotion for a natural finish and the ultimate control of your colour.